Employment Services

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Supported Employment Services assist people with developmental disabilities to become successfully employed in businesses in the community.

EBI helps people identify the type of employment they desire and then networks with local employers to develop a match. Once hired, EBI provides one on one on-the-job training and support to assist the person to be successful in their work.

EBI provides an array of services to help the person served to successfully learn and maintain their job. These services include:

  • Assistance in learning public transportation
  • Resume writing
  • Interview preparation
  • Assistance in understanding Social Security work incentives


Even after the individual is working independently, EBI continues to follow-up with the employee and employer to ensure continued success.



Project SEARCH

Project SEARCH, is a pathway to Supported Employment, providing intensive training and internships for individuals with developmental disabilities. Click here to learn more.


Employment Satisfaction Survey:

Download more detailed information from the employment-related surveys:

Supported Employment Services Case Manager and Dept. of Rehabilitation Survey 2022-2023

Supported Employment Services Consumer Survey 2022-2023

Supported Employment Services Friends and Family Survey 2022-2023


More Information:

For more information about EBI’s Employment Services,
contact Curtis John: jjohn@eastbayinnovations.org

You must be a client of the Regional Center to be eligible for Employment Services. EBI will also assist you to become a client of the Department of Rehabilitation if accepted into the program.