People considered to have a developmental disability by the State of California may be eligible for EBI’s Supported Living, Independent Living, Supported Employment Services, and/or Community Day Supports. To establish eligibility, call the Regional Center of the East Bay for more information. If you are already a client of the Regional Center, you can request that your case manager contact EBI to make a referral. To be referred to Transitional Care/Case Management (TCCM), your nursing facility should contact the TCCM team.
Our Services
East Bay Innovations provides personalized support to enable individuals with disabilities to live in their homes, to work jobs of their choosing and to participate in all aspects of the community.
Supported Living
Supported Living serves clients with developmental disabilities who have up to 24 hour daily support needs the chance to be able to live independently in their own homes.
Our staff assists clients with all their basic living activities needed to safely live on their own, including providing personal care and overnight support.
Read MoreIndependent Living
Independent Living serves clients with developmental disabilities who wish to live on their own but do not need daily support.
Our staff provide assistance to learn basic living skills, including grocery shopping, planning a meal, making a budget, balancing a checkbook, addressing chronic health issues, and dealing with social security and other disability resources and benefits.
Read MoreEmployment Services
Employment Services assists clients with developmental disabilities to obtain and maintain employment.
Our staff assist clients to learn about career options and market their skills and abilities to employers. Once employment is secured, we provide one-on-one training to help them learn their job.
Read MoreProject SEARCH
Project SEARCH offers clients the opportunity to develop valuable and transferable work skills through an internship training program hosted by a large employer.
Currently, EBI operates three year-long Project SEARCH programs in hospitality and office administration.
Read MoreCommunity Day Supports
Community Day Supports is a community based day service operating in the Berkeley area where individuals with developmental disabilities and higher support needs receive individualized support to participate in variety of activities.
Our staff support individuals to participate in activities such as adaptive communication instruction, physical therapies, independent living skills instruction, art classes, movement/dance classes and fitness activities.
Read MoreTransitional Care/Case Management
Transitional Care/Case Management makes it possible for people with disabilities who receive Medi-Cal to transition from nursing facilities back into their own homes.
Our staff provide case management, search for affordable housing, assist clients access the In-Home Supportive Services program, assist in training personal attendants, and identify needed healthcare professionals in the community.
Read MoreLifeTrust Care (LTC)
LifeTrust Care (LTC) is a collaborative of three Bay Area nonprofit organizations with extensive expertise providing services to individuals with disabilities and seniors: East Bay Innovations, Integrated Community Services, and Bayberry Inc. LTC staff provide tailored support to meet each client’s unique needs, increase stability, and improve their quality of life.
Read MoreGetting Started with EBI
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I find an affordable place to live?
Section 8 is a program through Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that provides rental subsidies to people who are low-income. With a Section 8 subsidy, it is possible to pay as low as 30% of your income towards rent and the Section 8 program will pay the rest. The following is a list of local housing authorities:
» Berkeley Housing Authority
» Oakland Housing Authority
» City of Alameda Housing Authority
» Livermore Housing Authority
» Alameda County Housing AuthorityIf you have specific questions regarding housing, email Tom Heinz:
What is the Regional Center and what services do they provide?
The Regional Centers are private non-profit organizations contracted with the State to provide case management services and to fund an array of services to people with developmental disabilities. There are 21 Regional Centers around the State. Regional Center of the East Bay serves approximately 20,000 people with developmental disabilities in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. You can learn more about the Regional Center of the East Bay on their website:
How do I find other agencies that provide similar services to East Bay Innovations in the East Bay?
Ask your regional center case manager for a list of service providers in your area. If you wish, you can request that your regional center case manager help you to contact potential service provider agencies and set up a time to meet with them so you can ask questions and make an informed choice.
Does getting a job and making more money affect my SSI (Supplemental Security Income)?
Yes, it can affect your SSI amount but except in rare circumstances a job will not result in your SSI or MediCal benefits being terminated. In the vast majority of situations, even after SSI reduces benefits your total income per month (wages + SSI) will be more with a job than without one. For more information, visit the Disability 101 website:
What is the Department of Rehabilitation?
Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) is a State agency that assists people with disabilities to become employed. DOR serves people of all disabilities not just developmental disabilities. DOR does provide the initial funding for Employment Services. Employment Services assist people with developmental disabilities to find employment and then, agencies like EBI provide a job coach to help the person to learn the job and be successful. To receive employment services from EBI you must become a client of the Department of Rehabilitation. EBI can help you connect with DOR.
How do I receive services from East Bay Innovations?
For more information about receiving services from EBI, please call (510) 618-1580 or email us at
» Employment Services: Curtis John, Director,
» Independent Living Services: Sam Covey, Director,
» Supported Living Services: Erin Hanley, Director,
» Community Day Supports: Rosa DeWaard, Director,
» Transitional Care/Case Management Bea Saki, Director,
Please be aware that some of EBI’s services may be unable to serve new people at this time. If this is the case, you may ask the Program Director if you can be placed on a waiting list. If the program is taking new referrals, then you should call your regional center case manager to ask them to make a formal referral for you to East Bay Innovations.