As EBI continues to monitor and take steps to respond to the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) health epidemic, our top priorities continue to be the health and well-being of our employees, clients, and larger community as a whole.
At this time we are taking proactive steps toward preventing further spread of the virus. Please review the following recommendations under the advisory of Public Health and Centers for Disease Control. These are general guidelines designed to mitigate the risk of transmission in the home, workplace and out in the community. If you have questions on how to implement these practices in your direct support work, please communicate this to your supervisor. These recommendations are effective immediately and will be reassessed periodically as this COVID-19 outbreak evolves.
At home prevention:
Try not to shake hands. Use a fist bump, slight bow, elbow bump, etc.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Wash your hands with soap for 20-30 seconds whenever you
Return home from any activity that involves other people or takes place in a public setting.
After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
After providing any personal care.
After any cleaning tasks.
Before preparing any food or drink items.
If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
If possible, cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue and discard. Use your elbow only if you have to.
Use disinfectant wipes or disinfectant spray regularly to clean commonly touched surfaces at home.
Tables, counter tops, door handles, light switches, remote controllers, phones, toilets, sinks, refrigerators and other kitchen appliances, trash cans etc.
Clean medical equipment frequently or after each use.
Wear gloves when providing any personal care or when there is potential contact with bodily fluid (Laundry)
Dispose of dirty cleaning materials and gloves in garbage immediately.
In the community:
Avoid close contact with large groups of people.
Allow a distance of 6 feet between person to person, if possible.
Try not to shake hands. Use a fist bump, slight bow, elbow bump, etc.
Limit public transportation – not taking BART or bus unless absolutely necessary.
Lower-risk ideas: walking around the neighborhood in open air, supporting your client with activities at home such as games, books, movies, art projects, video chatting with friends, etc.
If your client would like to make a trip into the community that you deem non-essential, please call your supervisor.
For all SLS staff, if your supervisor is unavailable please call the Ecell.
Open public doors with your closed fist or hip – do not grasp the handle with your hand, unless there is no other way to open the door. (look for an automatic door button)
When at stores look for disinfecting wipe for the handle on grocery carts.
At work:
Avoid close contact with people.
Allow a distance of 6 feet between person to person, if possible.
Try not to shake hands. Use a fist bump, slight bow, elbow bump, etc.
Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, sinks etc.
Limit food sharing.
Use videoconferencing for meetings when possible.
Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19 Virus:
The following symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure.
Shortness of breath
If you are sick or suspect you are infected please follow the CDC guidelines below to help prevent the disease from spreading to people in your home and community.
If you are sick stay home, except to get medical care.
All staff must notify their Supervisor if they are calling out sick
SLS staff must notify the Ecell if they are calling out sick
Please provide as much notice as possible if you will be calling out
Avoid public areas
Avoid public transportation, ride-sharing, or taxis.
Stay away from others: As much as possible, you should stay in a specific room and away from other people in your home. Also, you should use a separate bathroom, if available.
Limit contact with pets & animals: You should restrict contact with pets and other animals while you are sick
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
Dispose: Throw used tissues in a lined trash can.
Please look for emails from your Director in regards to department specific protocols. If you have any questions, please reach out to your department head. Here are their contacts:
Erin Hanley, Director of SLS:
Lori Kotsonas, Director of SES:
Samantha Covey, Director of ILS:
Christine Grabowski, Director of ILS:
Serom Sanftner, Director of TCCM:
Lastly, if you are going to be out due to illness related to COVID19, and have questions regarding “sick time” please reach out to Tamy Ratto
Big Thank You to ALL EBI staff for your hard work and dedication to our clients during this stressful time!